Back in my day every high-schoolers gym routine looked like the one below.
You would sprinkle in some bench (also daily) and maybe heavy quarter squats with more weight than you have business loading onto your skeleton.
Today is going to satisfy your lust for some wide lats and fat pipes. It’s the best day of the week, it’s pull day baby.
I begin many hypertrophy style sessions with A John Meadows style of training since it always made the most sense to me.
The Workout
Activation (No Rest!)
Band Straight Arm Pulldowns 3x20
Band Bicep Curl 3x20
Pushup 3x15
Lat Activation ISO 3 x 15 sec/ea (Watch Here Start at 3:43)
A1. V Bar Pulldowns 1x25, 1x20, 1x15, 2x10-15
B1. Chin-up 3x6-8 (Heavy)
Do these with a band or on a machine if needed, use good control DON’T SWING your body!
B2. Dead Hang 3xAMRAP (Hold as long as possible to stretch the lats)
Super maximal Pump
C1. Cable Low Row 1x8-12, 1x10-15, 2x15-20 Start heavy and decrease weight each set.
Now, let’s finish it off with direct pipe work.
D1. Cable Bicep Curl 2x20
E1. Draper Curl 5x10
F1. Strict Dumbbell Curl (against the wall) 1x12, 1x10, 2x8-12
Finisher: Band Bicep Curl 1x100