This weeks workout is another day from meat leopard (the conjugate running program). Block 2 is focused on accumulation so reps will be higher on accessories. I like the conjugate systems style of switching out max effort movements weekly here. Use a variation of a close grip bench for a 5RM each week, then use 10% less weight and hit a 3x5.
Close Grip Variations
Spoto Press
Board Press
JM Press
Preferably you choose 2 variations and then wave them into the next block to max with.
Week 1: Close Grip 5RM
Week 2: Board Press 5RM
Week 3: JM Press 5RM
Week 4: Close Grip 3RM
Week 5: Board Press 3RM
Week 6: JM Press 3RM
Remember, the intent of the meat leopard program is to have time and energy to balance runs on max effort upper days as well. This means volume is kept a bit lower than you’re probably use to. Make sets more effective by going closer to failure and really putting maximal intent into every repetition.
Pushup Complexes
Pushups aren’t just a chest exercise. They’re a great movement for the scapula, serratus anterior, and shoulders as a whole. The premise of the pushup complex is to work the elbows and shoulder girdle in different ways. I listed some of recommended pushup complexes to get a good chest pump and keep your joints healthy.
3 Rounds 1 min rest
Pushup (regular grip) x 10
Pushup (close grip) x 10
Pushup (wide grip) x 10
3 Rounds 1 min rest
Planche Grip Pushup x 10
Diamond Pushup x 10
Regular Pushup x 10
Chest Burner 3 rounds 1 min rest
Deficit Pushup x Max Reps
15 sec rest
Pushups x Max Reps