We’re taking a break from your regular scheduled programming to bring you some conditioning this week. I’ll write a more in-depth article about some concepts here in the future. Let’s keep it simple. We have a couple forms of “cardio” or aerobic training. I love the way Opex outlines it.
Brief lesson for those unfamiliar with bioenergetics. Energy systems are active at all times to various degrees and respond to predicted energy needed. We begin with high intensity activity using creatine for energy, following by moderate to high activity using carbohydrates and creatine for energy, and low activity using fat and carbohydrates for energy. It’s all dependent on intensity and can also be affected by your mental state or arousal.
This is the primary system for lifting weights although it is also exhibited in sports with bursts of high intensity like combat sports, football, basketball, tennis, and more.
Gain Workout
Sumo Deadlift x 2
Box Jump x 2
Every minute on the minute for 8 minutes
This is the typical zone most neighborhood joggers will be in. You’ll see heart rates at around 70-80% of max, breathing will be heavy, and it won’t be an effort that can typically be sustained for hours.
Pain Workout
50 Calorie Row for Time Rest 3 :00
30 Calorie Row for Time Rest 3:00
10 Calorie Row for Time
Long slow distance and low intensity activity like walking on an incline treadmill or going for a bike ride.
Sustain Workout
Perform the following at a sustained pace:
Bike x 5:00
Ski Erg x 4:00
Bike x 3:00
Ski Erg x 2:00
Bike x 1:00
Ideally, you work all energy systems to get the best results, not just for your health, but also performance. Word to the wise, don’t start any workouts with pain. Unless that’s the only thing you’re doing. Begin with either gain (strength training, speed, or power development) and move into sustain or pain. You don’t want to complete set yourself on fire with a pain style of training only to the hit heavy back squats for reps. It won’t fair well.
Use these concepts to properly categorize your training and to better manage recovery.