I've started a new bench program so I wanted to give you guys a sample week and training for the new program. Bench hasn't ever really been a strong lift for me but to be honest I never really cared about it much, so it never got a lot of love or attention from me.
The template itself consists of 3 bench days per week with a lot of chest and arm work (lagging body parts, who the heck doesn't want bigger pipes anyway). I will be doing some kind of shrugs or carries daily as well with this program at the end of each session or as a super set at times.
Frequency for this program is high for pressing and weights aren’t super heavy, especially the first block (3 weeks). The point is to get a lot of practice moving weights in the 70 to 80% range and then peaking to a heavy single in the next 3-week block.
Here’s what Day 1 of the program looked like:
The session began with bench and the entire program uses rest pause (RP) sets in the accessory work. Wide Grip (WG) Shrugs are also a variation of shrugs I like to hit in the smith machine. The extra stability and straight bar path makes the traps feel pretty nasty. I’m planning to supplement in some heavy power shrugs (like a clean pull above the knee) in the final block of the program.
Hope this gives you some inspiration to hit some heavy pressing this week.