This article is a continuation of the Simple Strength Template . In that article I explain more about training structure and how to build up your training plan. You get the skinny on sets, reps, training splits, and movement selection. Give it a read if you want more detail.
The point of the fitness template is to provide a more balanced approach for folks that do care as much about maximal strength or have more body composition specific goals. You could also get jiggy and do 1-2 days with the strength template and 1-2 from this one. It’s your world, get weird if you want.
Simple Strength Fitness Template
Simple scales, complex fails. Keep it simple. Plug in movements that you find most beneficial and accessories that hammer your weaknesses. Not sure what to do for conditioning? I’d recommend cyclical training (biking, running, rowing, jumping rope, etc.) at Zone 2 or Zone 3, find a finisher from some of my workout of the weeks, or do a simple total body EMOM like the one below.
Total Body EMOM Conditioning
The point is continuous movement, you don’t have to completely gas yourself but the structure should be 4 or 5 movements, each done for a minute, and then repeat the sequence for a total of 2-3 rounds.
A1. Movement 1 x 1:00
A2. Movement 2 x 1:00
A3. Movement 3 x 1:00
A4. Movement 4 x 1:00
A5. Movement 5 x 1:00
Repeat for 2-3 Rounds
Movements I would recommend: Kettlebell exercises (cleans, snatches, rows, getups, seesaw presses, clean & presses), carries (sandbag, dumbbells, offset carries, single arm), animal crawls, Sandbag exercises (cleans, shouldering, grappling, carrying, loading onto a box), Sled exercises (drags, pushes, rows, chest presses, extensions), Sandbag/ DB/ Barbell / KB complexes, landmine exercises, or any core exercises.
You could also mix in an assault bike for the last minute if you run out of ideas, again don’t make it complicated just work the whole body with a variety of movements. Put the template into play for your training. If you have any questions let me know in the comments or shoot me a message.